
In the following L&R Communications podcast interview, we speak with Aaron Heffron, President of Market Connections, who in advance of GAIN 2018, provides a preview of some of the findings from the 2018 Federal Media & Marketing Study.

For the past 10 years, Market Connections has been providing federal marketers with the keys to the kingdom for developing the right strategies for reaching federal decision-makers by providing the right data about their purchasing and media habits.

The annual study provides insights from nearly 3,000 federal respondents at defense and civilian agencies, inside and outside the Beltway. The survey covers usage of digital, social, mobile, print and broadcast media – creating a comprehensive database that can help propel 2019 marketing planning.

This year, the survey expands upon a popular topic from last year, which is how “fake news” has an impact on federal leaders’ perceptions of a news organizations’ credibility.  For example, agency leaders are more confident in news reported from federal publications – as opposed to mainstream news outlets.

Here are other key highlights in our discussion with Aaron:

  • About the 10th annual Federal Media & Marketing Study from Market Connections. (:51)

  • Insights into how “fake news” is impacting federal buyers’ perceptions of new outlets. (3:00)

  • More about how many agency leaders are more confident in news reported from federal publications – as opposed to mainstream news outlets. (4:40)

  • How government marketers should use the insights from the study for 2019 planning. (6:20)

  • A preview of key sources for breaking news, and data privacy concerns, from this year’s study. (8:51)

  • More about the Federal Media & Marketing Study event on November 8th.  (11:40)

Act now and book your ticket for the 2018 Federal Media & Marketing Study event, taking place on November 8th at Valo Park Conference Center in McLean, VA from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Finally, don’t forget to register to attend GAIN 2018! Click here to officially register for the go-to conference for federal marketers. Use the code GAINLASTCHANCE15 for 15% off.
